Kindergarten Readiness

As your child enters kindergarten, we know you want your child to be happy, confident, and prepared. We do too.

All that a child learns in the first five years will help set the stage for future learning and overall success. Kindergarten readiness is a way to describe the things a child should know and be able to do when they start kindergarten. These key life skills and abilities include communicating, thinking, solving problems, moving and being with other people and children.

A child’s social-emotional development is just as important as physical and academic skills. In addition to the lessons and activities, a kindergarten classroom also has schedules and directions to follow which involve standing in lines, getting along with other children, etc. So kids need social and behavioral skills — like independence, curiosity and self-control — as much as they need early academic skills — like counting or knowing some of the letters in their name.

Kindergarten is an exciting time for you and your child! You can help them thrive by preparing now for a successful start. The Essential Skills Checklist below is a great resource to help you become familiar with appropriate readiness skills from birth to age five. The checklist was created by MuncieBY5 and used with permission.